A Primer on Backyard Meat Rabbit Raising Practices |
by Mary-Frances
R. Bartels of Rudolph's Rabbit Ranch and Waterfowl Farm |
Disclaimers |
ATTENTION Meat Rabbit Breeders: If you are interested in selling breeding stock to new or expanding backyard meat rabbit raisers please ask to be included on my breeders list — one of, if not THE, very first rabbit breeders list on the Internet, and probably the only one specializing in meat rabbits. The most desired breeds are New Zealand and Californian, but other breeds, are also included. Breeders with meat-type goals such as large, frequent litters are preferred. Please e-mail me with the rabbitry's (if applicable) and owner's names, address (at least city & state), phone number (optional), list of breeds (you may include any non-meat breeds as well), and web site URL (if applicable). Also, indicate if you ship rabbits or not. If you have a website a reciprocal link would be appreciated. This service is completely free. Thank you!
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Page created by Mary-Frances Bartels
Comments, corrections, or suggestions may be directed to Mary-Frances Bartels.
Please also let me know how you found this page!
Page last modified March 12, 2021.
Believe it or not, but raising rabbits has a
connection to the amateur radio hobby. Having a deep freezer is an
almost necessary piece of equipment for anyone raising meat animals,
or, for that matter, anyone with a large family. The page author
decided to get an extremely energy efficient freezer designed
specifically with alternative energy usage in mind. A small, but
slightly oversized, solar
system was developed and installed. When FCC
licensed in 1996, she decided to start using the excess solar
electricity to power her amateur radio rigs. So, if it hadn't been for
the rabbit hobby, it is likely that KIØDZ would not be as prepared to serve her community during
emergencies as she is today. Note:
That Sunfrost freezer lasted for nearly 20 years before expiring.
Many folks interested in having a backyard meat rabbit operation are concerned with self-sufficiency. Being licensed as an amateur radio operator fits well with this goal as it provides an alternative to the common modes of communications. For more information on starting in this exciting hobby click here.
The information contained here is gained from
experience and research by Rudolph's Rabbit Ranch. Anyone using this
information does so at their own risk. RRR claims no responsibility for
damage resulting from the use of this information.
Products and brand names mentioned are merely for
informational purposes and are not endorsements of said products.
Though the author has been a member of the American
Rabbit Breeders Association, views and opinions expressed here are
not necessarily those of ARBA.
This site contains links to web pages outside of this site. Though each link is carefully checked and approved prior to adding it, the page author is not responsible for outside content.