Brief Photographic Essay on Sexing Young Rabbits
These rabbits were seven weeks old when the pictures were taken.  The tail is toward the bottom of each of the pictures.

                rabbit before exposure

                after exposure

The vent area before exposing genitalia - here a little pressure has been applied

The penis is a protruberance with a roundish end and point-shaped depression in the center. The two "holes" seen on either side and below the penis are scent glands. These are the same for both males and females.

female before exposure

female after exposure

The vent area before exposing genitalia - no pressure has been applied The oblong female part also protrudes, but reveals a slit. Does use the vent for both reproduction and urinating. The "holes" on either side of the vent are scent glands. These are the same for both males and females. The opening below the vent is the rectum.

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Comments, corrections, or suggestions may be directed to the page author, Mary-Frances Bartels

Page last modified March 12, 2021.